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On Friendship (Collateral Damage) II - The Guardians of the Door in De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam

On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) II - The Guardians of the Door started on June 22: a procession with Peter Baren, Joseph Sassoon Semah, Anastasia Kozolkova, and Emile  Schrijver. Joseph Sassoon Semah responded to Luther and nailed his answer on the door of De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.

This performance was followed by a round table discussion about Luther's influence on the arts.


Video I: Joseph Sassoon Semah nailing his answer to Luther on the door of The New Church


Video II; On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) II – The Guardians of the Door -   



On the 13th of July 2017,  Joseph Sassoon Semah pursued the case with a public intervention towards installation in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam.

Among the sound of the sewing machines, the bicycle, the procession, the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, the mute Hare, the silence of the chess players, 

and the sacred dispute between Lutheran pastor Dr. Andreas H. Wöhle and Joseph Sassoon Semah, one could hear an endless reading through a megaphone, from the book "On the Jews and Their Lies"; a certain anti-semitic treatise written in 1543 by the German Reformation leader, Dr. Martin Luther.


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