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European Storylines is an open digital platform which provides interactive and stimulating information on European Art, its Culture and History.

This platform links the European heritage of the past and present and mirrors this to the future, thanks to amazing and compelling storytelling and non-fictional narratives.

The online wealth of information on articles, biographies, travel record literature, recorded materials and interesting issues, encourages new structures and insights.

The contributions of visitors, artists and opinion leaders represent, together with the storytelling of the editors, the dynamic ‘Soul of Europe’.




Europe is a melting pot consisting of cultural, social and political backgrounds. Society is constantly changing and the values, which should link us, are continuously under pressure.

Democracy is not self evident in all countries and freedom of expression is in many European member states still an important element of discussion.


European Storylines makes the real value of Europe in all these facets visible, by:


  • focussing on liaising

  • actively encouraging Europeans to share their opinions and stories

  • sharing knowledge

  • creating a very lively community and

  • being a great source of information and inspiration.









Naam website

The more the underlying coherence between history and present is seen and experienced, the more exciting the future of Europe will become and the stronger the unification will be between visitors, participants and its users.

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